Friday, July 16, 2010

Womanhood? And other random thoughtses

As a girl I thought it'd be fun to grow into a woman who gardened in pearls (it is rather fun, now that I've tried it), now however I find real womanhood in mowing the lawn and other less delicate tasks like weed-pulling.

Each time I make a judgment about someone, something, some place... and it is wrong, I remember how much I have to learn.  So I've discovered that I actually like the city of Washington, DC when I thought it "too big city for me."  Laugh, I know, but I think this city is more like a really really big town.  (This is how I excuse my surprising enjoyment of this place to my Wyoming heart.)

Habituation is a concept I'm learning under a Christian psychiatrist working in the same ward as me.  Watching alcoholics who have never 'learned' to stop drinking, I see in myself behaviors where I've allowed 'learning' to creep in - in areas I shouldn't.  Romans 12:1-3 is real to alcoholics, who must DAILY conform their minds and readjust their attitudes to fight their addiction.  It's such a cool and sobering (there's a double meaning in that) thing to realize how I myself must also persistently train myself against my sins that seep in daily.  One of which, unfortunately for myself, is the habit of worrying.  It's my sin, to doubt my own wonderful Creator enough to believe my thinking about something anxiously will do anything more than just offering it up in prayer to Him.

Let's see, last random thought before sleep, should I skype into my sister's bridal shower?  I think so.  Has it been done before - I don't know, but I think I should try.


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