Friday, September 19, 2008

School days, again

Shifting gears from traveling and the whirl and buzz of jet-setting, I have slowly adjusted to the daily rhythm of medical studies. I am still far behind in catching up on correspondence, world events, and even domestic politics.

Biochemistry and Physiology are on the to-do list, and they are definitely something to-do. Last weekend was great for studying because it was rainy, but the weather has shifted bittersweetly to sunny days that ever distract me from the hum and drum of classwork.

I've been reading in Ephesians recently and a study guide asked the other day, "if God has given us all spiritual blessings, then what are you thankful for? And how often do you thank God for all you have been given?" So as my study break today, I've decided I want to come up with a list of just some of the things I'm thankful for.

*knowing God - I mean, I still know Him imperfectly, but just the insight He has given me to know Himself is a blessing
*blessings of friendships - beyond my extremely encouraging family, I am surrounded by a great group of friends who daily challenge and encourage me to strengthen and grow my faith
*physical blessings- I can see (which makes me able to read and study), I have a brain that can think, I have a voice, I can walk and get around and see this world He's created... I feel so privileged to get to do all of that!

Anyway, here's to being thankful for the small things (that are actually so important in the big scheme of things!) Cheers!

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