Thursday, May 01, 2008

Summer plans

So I failed at continuing "funny" blog entries on here. I guess life has been slightly busier than I thought it was going to be. Anyway part of the busy-ness of life has been arranging summer travel plans to Asia. For the few of you who actually read this, I will be doing a medical program run by Child Family Health International . I'll be on the Western side of India doing medical rotations-ish through clinics and hospitals. The organization isn't affiliated with any religious group, but it's a great opportunity for learning about what specialty I might be interested in, while getting to do some intensive medical work in a developing country that I could missions in when I finish medical school.

The first stop that I make will be in Hong Kong and I get in tomorrow. I'll spend a few days there before heading to the Philippines to see Katie Middlestead and follow her around as she works with Food for the Hungry. I'm getting very excited for the whole summer - but still somewhat nervous about last minute details and arrangements. Will try to write more later...

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