Friday, November 02, 2007

Politics on the brain

I was invited on facebook to go to a MSU College Republicans event tomorrow hosting Mr. Romney, the Senator from Utah that is running for President. My response kind of surprised me, because instead of immediately jumping on the opportunity to get to hear a candidate espouse their views in person, I came up with multiple excuses why I couldn't go. After watching the Democratic debate this week where forerunner Hillary Clinton fumbled, I am little enthused with the parties this year. I don't like the democratic candidates so far, and haven't been drawn to any of the Republicans yet.

I like Huckabee, but I'm wondering how he'll pull it off over Guliani.

Anyone seen any candidates they're fans of?


funke said...

Huckabee plays the bass. How much more qualified to be president can you get?

Lindy said...

Frodo for President!