Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jail break

I'm taking a study break!! I can't take any more perineum or peritoneum!!! So I thought I'd write about an example that my pastor Kevin DeYoung used today in a sermon. I was laughing so hard. There are podcasts too, sidenote but if you all want to listen to something really great, his messages back from January on the Will of God are challenging and freeing. I'm not sure if freeing is a word. It should be.

Today he was talking about how Jesus is our Redemption and how there isn't any need to feel guilty or works-oriented because God has fulfilled His requirement and His wrath is dispelled in the cross. So he was using the analogy of a game he played with little 4th and 5th graders. He was sent as the prison breaker. In capture the flag when someone is tagged they are placed in jail until another member of their team is able to get to jail and lead them out safely. He made it to the jail and was greeted by shreiks and shouts of joy from the little kids and they were thrilled as he led them back to safety. The best part about it, he said, was that as soon as they were free they became just like the foolish Isrealites who wandered in the desert. They didn't run back to safety but rather broke off into groups of chatting and socializing. Hahaha. I was laughing hysterically, isn't that just how it goes in elementary school capture the flag????

The bible's comparison of us to children isn't so far off it seems... as many of us in faith get distracted and deterred by life instead of running into the safety and sanctuary of Christ.

Today's epiphanies:

1) Anatomy's definiton should be: the study of how many numerous causes we can die from. Basically, the inevitable pathology of some defect that will make us die. Medicine's definition should be then: delaying the inevitable... okay, and making the going easier. :P

2) I don't realize how good I've got it. Not everyone gets a home with, well obviously a great family but also: prayer and coffee with Jim, Jenny, and Lindy on Sundays, Wii, wifi, Tivo, own bedroom, and milk replacement (because even if I run out, someone else has some.)

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